Top 5 tips for a successful marketing strategy…

Having a successful marketing strategy is key for your business. Being able to grow your reach and improve loyalty throughout your customer base can not only spread awareness of your work but also improve your business results. Here are the top five key things to consider when putting together your strategy…

Do your research

Making sure you know everything about your audience is vitally important. What makes them tick? What things don’t they like? With this information, both in the B2C and B2B sectors, you are much more likely to run a more successful marketing strategy. Important planning factors also include how best to reach your market. You could be running the perfect Facebook campaign, but if you didn’t do your research and every single member of your target audience is on Twitter, no one will ever see your hard work.

Make sure you plan

Without a plan, you can almost guarantee that your results won’t reach their potential. Make sure you’re working towards specific goals from which you can measure your performance. Many marketers will recognise these goals as SMART objectives; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.

A solid plan also involves finding the right tools to make your life easier. Need to schedule social media posts? Use a platform like Hootsuite. What keywords do people search to get to your website? Get Google Search Console. As ever, if you need your marketing plan sanity checked, contact and we can work on it together.

Keep on testing

Can’t decide between whether to contact your prospects via email or LinkedIn? Why not incorporate both into your marketing strategy and see which one works best. A huge part of successfully marketing your products and services is by trying different methods. Sometimes, it can bring about some interesting results. Often, business owners make assumptions about how their audience wants to be treated, but it’s important to remember that things may not always be as they seem! Keep trying to find what works best and make sure to record, measure and compare your results.

Be pragmatic

Sometimes, things just don’t work. It’s important to recognise this and to stay flexible in your strategy. For example, if your strategy was to call your prospects every morning at 03:00 am and you find they’re not answering, of course, it makes sense to be flexible and change your plan! Being pragmatic in business will help you to achieve the best results.

Review your work

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, always make sure you review what works and what doesn’t for your business. If it works, keep going and perhaps keep fine-tuning it until you have the perfect formula. If it’s not working, change it up. Think of it like cooking a great meal for your audience, if you use the right ingredients, they’ll keep eating. If not, you might get your dishes sent back to the kitchen.

If you’re interested in growing your business concepts and working collaboratively with PIER 23 for free, contact today.